Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Monday, September 28, 2009

Friday, September 25, 2009

the axe comes down

well, so much for all of that. the cruise has been cancelled. awesome.

next time i'm all set to go for one of these i'll wait until we've left the dock before sending emails.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

bad news, maybe

so, the gossip train stopped by... 50/50 chance we'll go out at all. something to do with software saying things are bad, needs an update, if the update fixes it we're good to go... otherwise,well astoria's been a good time. and i'm sure glad i bothered all y'all with emails and blog announcements.

there goes my sublet. shit.

still here.

so it looks like we're docked here for more than that package arrival... some of the self-tests on the multibeam system are failing. that would be the equipment needed for the survey.

on the good side, i walked around the ship today and got some little snapshots, you know a cute picture or two. oh yeah, you know, a little clickaroonie.

beautiful day out. sun, in oregon, who knew. one of the guys aboard knows where the goonies house is... and it's about 3-4miles away. if we don't leave tomorrow at 1pm as planned, then i might just find my way out to the house that goonie built, errrr or something like that.

once we do finally leave it's about a day and a half transit to the southern end of our survey area.

i hear we can see russia from the western end of the survey.** i'm wondering if i post very low quality pictures... that would be okay for our bandwidth, but i probably shouldn't. we'll see how it goes.

i have to say that i'm downing the gummi bears at too great a rate, they won't last half the cruise if i keep it up. no self control!

tonight for dinner, which is served between 4:30 and 5pm, there were oysters the size of my fist served with this lemon, butter, garlic sauce. yum. the good thing about it being early in the cruise, meaning we haven't left yet... is that the salad bar has things like lettuce and tomatoes in it. give it a few weeks and the salad bar will be only canned goods. that is something to look forward to.
**as much as sarah palin can see it from her porch.

to leave the dock

hello and welcome to my month long adventure in the gulf of alaska.

today was the supposed departure day... but we are still waiting for a package to arrive. :(

i'm all ready, i have my "sissy" patch on! and can find my way from the main lab to the mess and back to my room. pretty snazzy.

guess there will be one more night of beers at the portway and a stumble back to the ship.

but no worries, i'm still being productive. internet connection is live and going.

Location: 46 11.32499N/123 51.52784W (Astoria, OR)
Gummi Bear Reserves: Strong
Chocolate Reserves: Never enough